Andover Police and Behind The Bikeshed are having a "Log It or Lose It" session at the shop in Marlborough Street between 7.00pm and 9.00pm tonight. [Read more...]
Andover Police and Behind The Bikeshed are having a “Log It or Lose It” session at the shop in Marlborough Street between 7.00pm and 9.00pm tonight.
With the spate of bike thefts in and around the town this is your chance to discuss what you can do to make your bike more secure and – in the event of it being stolen – help to get it back with the help of their registration system.
There will also be a “Bike Porn Night” with a range of bikes on show that are not normally stocked at the shop, together with hopefully some extra special ones including Helen Jenkins’ Olympic bike.
Entry is free with parking in the nearby Shepherds Spring car park or public car parks across the road.