This year Pancake day takes place on Tuesday 16th February , It always falls 47 days before Easter so the date moves but it will always be between February 3 and March 9.
What’s it all about ?
The name Shrove Tuesday comes from ‘shrive’, meaning absolution for sins by doing penance. Christians would go to Confession, where they admit their sins to a priest and ask for absolution. A bell would be rung to call them to Confession, which was called the ‘pancake bell’. It’s still rung today.
Pancake Day itself came much later as a way of using up rich foods, like eggs, milk and sugar before the 40 days of fasting – Lent
Local Pancake day offers
Canto Gelato Andover they will be selling all crepes £6 (with gelato),Just lemon £4.95,Just Nutella £5.50, American pancakes 2,3,4 stack starting from £5.50. They will be with Nutella/chocolate sauce or strawberries/banana and gelato. Book in for collection or delivery 12- 6pm. 01264 332373
The Travelling Cupcake are selling a panacke bake at home pack, With SEVEN toppings, TWO sauces and ONE massive jar of pancake mix give them a call on 01264333351 to book.
Pancake cookalong
Cookery Doodle Doo will be sharing a FREE brand new cookalong video on Pancake Day, her BAKED BERRY PANCAKE serves 4-6 in one go. Visit her Facebook page here to join in.
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Enjoy #Pancakeday
If you have a Pancake day offer or event to share please get in touch via our contact page here