Five years ago, a local woman named Sarah Williams faced a life-threatening condition during her pregnancy, suffering from severe blood clots on her lungs. This traumatic experience left her disabled for many years. Determined to reclaim her life, Sarah began to gradually increase her activities.
With resilience and determination, she eventually felt ready to embark on a new venture, aiming to create a business that would not only be meaningful to her but also help others in managing pain and finding relaxation. Thus, Goby Massage was born three years ago.
Sarah Williams, who has called Andover home for the past 13 years, is the proud owner of Goby Massage. She holds a Level 3 qualification in all the treatments she offers, ensuring a high standard of care for her clients. Understanding the financial pressures many face due to the cost-of-living crisis, Sarah provides her services at reasonable prices.
Goby Massage offers a range of treatments including Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Dry Cupping Therapy, Hot Bamboo Massage, and Organic Facials. Each treatment is designed to provide relief and relaxation, tailored to meet the individual needs of clients.
Recently, Sarah invested in a makeover for the business’s interior, creating an even more serene and relaxing environment for her clients. The first client to experience the newly refurbished space, Iris Anderson, praised the tranquil and calming atmosphere. She expressed her delight with the massage, stating that she found the environment absolutely lovely and did not want to leave. Iris confirmed that she would certainly return for more treatments.
Goby Massage is located at 5 London Street, Andover, on the second floor. Appointments can be easily booked through their website at or via their Facebook page, Goby Massage. Sarah Williams continues to strive to provide a sanctuary of relaxation and pain relief for all her clients, embodying the spirit of resilience and dedication.