Community Local News

Funding to provide new houses for those in need

Test Valley Borough Council has been granted close to £1 million after a successful bid in partnership with Two Saints, Vivid and Aster, that will increase opportunities for those at risk of rough sleeping to have a place to call home.

A total of ten properties throughout Test Valley will be purchased by Aster and Vivid using the money, with specialist support provided to tenants by Two Saints.

During the national lockdown in spring last year, the council was able to provide temporary accommodation to the few individuals sleeping on the streets at the time, along with several people who were otherwise living in unsustainable shared housing arrangements. Now, with these extra properties available through the funding, longer-term housing can be offered.

The grant allocation totals £913,125 from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme.

Portfolio holder for housing and environmental health, councillor Phil Bundy, said: “During the pandemic, we worked exceptionally hard to understand and support those who wanted to come in from the streets, and to work with other people with complex needs who were otherwise unsuitably housed. Securing temporary accommodation was a big step, but this new grant award is a huge milestone and will complement our existing investment in front line services.

“Our thanks go to Vivid, Aster and Two Saints for their work alongside us on this bid, and the effort that will now go in to changing lives for good. We are always committed to doing everything we can to help those who need it. Providing ten further properties in the borough for people at risk of, or who may be experiencing homelessness, helps us as we move closer to our aim to end rough sleeping and provide suitable accommodation solutions for our most vulnerable residents.

“We would ask our residents to notify us if they see anyone who may be sleeping rough, via the national StreetLink service. We work with a network of partner organisations locally to deliver rapid rehousing support for anyone who may be sleeping rough in the area.”  

For more information about StreetLink, please visit If you or someone you know is worried about their housing situation, please contact our housing options team as soon as possible on 01264 368000.