Andover Events Community

Go Draw Andover

Go draw andover

All through April 2021 those in, and around, Andover are being challenged to Go Draw every day! Each day will have a different theme. With hints, tips and encouragement available online it is hoped that hundreds of people will pick up a pencil or pen (or indeed anything!) and Go Draw! 

Specially made Go Draw Andover drawing booklets are being created, one page for each day of the month, and these will be posted free to those that ask for them. Information leaflets for Andover’s children are going to be distributed to schools that want to encourage their children to participate.  

The project is going to be run by The Artroom. The Artroom is a well-established centre for art in Andover and the surrounding area, working with both adults and children in groups and in schools and with individuals. The Artroom is delighted to be organising yet another exciting community project. 

The web pages, with all the information needed, will be going live at midday on Friday 5thMarch. 

Some Questions answered: 

I can’t draw, how do I join in? 

Everyone can draw – perhaps not as well as they would like – but they can draw! Every day there will be tips, ideas, examples and inspiration to help you along the way! 

What do I draw? 

Each day will have a different theme, with some examples to help. These will be published daily online, but you can draw whatever you want – just Go Draw! 

What do I use to draw with? 

You can use anything you like! Pencils, pens, crayons whatever you feel comfortable with! We always recommend that you draw in a drawing book (you don’t lose all those bits of paper) You can sign up for a completely free, limited edition, Go Draw drawing booklet, made exclusively for this event. You can order one of these from the website. 

Who is Go Draw Andover aimed at? 

Absolutely everyone. Even the very young can make marks on paper and there is no top age limit to drawing… it really is something that anyone can take part in. 

Do I need to let you know I am taking part? 

No, you can just Go Draw!  

But, it would be good to know. Sign up for the limited edition free drawing booklet, and you will get daily themes, hints and encouragement directly into your inbox (they will be on line for those that don’t want them sent to their inbox!) .  Share your pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag #godrawandover 

What about schools? Can they take part? 

For a lot of April schools will be on holiday. However, if schools want to encourage pupils to take part at home and then pick it up when they come back that would be amazing! There is going to be a special school’s programme.  

Do I have to draw every day? 

It works better if you do! But we realise that sometimes life gets in the way of even the best intentions! Don’t worry …  just Go Draw the next day! 

John, from The Artroom, says ,“Drawing is something that many people are frightened of. They want their drawings to look super realistic and perfect. It is very difficult to share drawings because many people are worried they will be judged.  

I want the people of Andover to realise everyone can draw. It’s all about having a go! This project will encourage everyone in Andover, old and young, to pick up a pencil, pen, or in fact anything that makes marks … and Go Draw! By drawing every day in April, and knowing there are lots of others doing the same, people will become more confident – and hopefully share their pictures and enjoy it more! It’s such an exciting event!”