Longtime Andover resident Jonathan Sparkes, who has been living in the community for 30 years, has embarked on a unique fundraising mission to support the Countess of Brecknock Hospice. Diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer last year, Jonathan has turned his diagnosis into a mission to give back to the community that has supported him.
Jonathan, born with a genetic disorder and reliant on an electric wheelchair, is determined to complete as many things on his bucket list as he can. One of the items on his list is raising money for the Countess of Brecknock Hospice, who are currently caring for him at home.
Unable to participate in physically demanding activities such as abseiling down the Spinnaker Tower or racing around a track, Jonathan chose a different path. He decided to dye his hair shocking pink, live with the vibrant colour for a few weeks, and then shave it all off, in a bold move to raise awareness and funds. So far, Jonathan has raised over £1,500 for the hospice.
His bucket list has also included attending Six Nations rugby matches in Cardiff, various theatre productions, and a memorable trip on the London Eye. An avid fan of fast cars, Jonathan also hopes to be well enough to attend the Thruxton Touring Cars and Silverstone Formula 1 event later this year, with his dad.
The Countess of Brecknock Hospice plays a vital role in the community, offering comfort and support to patients with life limiting illnesses and their families. The hospice relies heavily on voluntary donations to maintain its outstanding levels of care. As Jonathan aptly puts it, “If we don’t support the Hospice, it won’t be there to help when it is needed.”
Jonathan’s JustGiving page remains open, and he encourages everyone to contribute and help him exceed his fundraising target.
To donate please visit his JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/page/jonathan-sparkes-1715260267883
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