
Gardening at home with the children

Have you taken time to notice that spring is arriving?

Why not make the most of this sunshine and get out into the garden with our children. If your garden is anything like mine, it will need some tidying up. This is a perfect opportunity to mow the grass, prunce back bushes and plants, get rid of weeds, and plants some bulbs.

Here are some ideas that you could try with your children in the garden.

Gardening projects for children

Pot up colourful containers. These instant container displays are easy to plant and will quickly fill the space allocated to them.

Here’s an idea that my Dad has put together in his garden

Build a Fairy garden.

Make a Twig teepee.

Make a bug box/ or hotel.

Grow micro-greens.

Create a succulent plant display.

Make a Pond

The Fairy Pond Garden in my Dad’s garden

We would love to see what you do in your garden with your children, please do email us your photos and gardening ideas so that we can share with oher local families here to enjoy with their children too. Email me at