Local News

Mother’s petition: ‘Please help, Aster’.

Tamzin McFadden Andover

Irene McFadden has been an Andover Aster tenant for nearly 21 years. This week in desperation she turned to the public on social media to help get her daughter’s voice heard.

Irene’s petition to ask Aster to support the needs of her daughter has gained over 460 signatures, the first 400 in just a matter of hours.

11-year old Tamzin has a rare genetic condition called Friedriechs Ataxtia. The condition affects her mobility, speech, co-ordination, heart and sight.

Tamzin was diagnosed only 3 years ago and is now completely wheelchair dependant and cannot stand unaided for more than a few seconds.

Irene told local radio station 95.9FM Andover Radio, ‘Tamzin is so dependent on me caring for her, we were moved to our current property because it met her needs but that was two and a half years ago, with the plan of a wet room and through floor lift.

“This year, finally everything was agreed and the builders had competed all the plans and quotes until Aster had changed their mind and said that they didn’t want the changes done to the property and they told us that they would move us again to another property that we could have the work done on and Tamzin is now left struggling.’

Mum Irene explained that not having the adaptations to their home is affecting their lives ‘massively’.

The petition to the housing association company says Tamzin desperately needs a wet room and a platform lift to be able to get around the upstairs of the house. It claims that Aster “agreed to it then stopped the plans going ahead”.

Irene added, “Every day we have to transfer from the stair lift onto a commode upstairs as we can’t get her wheelchair up there. She needs bathing or showered daily but I have to lift her onto a bath seat as she can’t get in by herself.

Tamzin has her own physio nurse and occupational therapist who are amazing and are doing their best to fight for her. They managed to get it all agreed but it was taken out of their hands Aster get the final say as its their property.

“I’m on my own caring for her as my partner lives in London and we only see him at weekends. He’s an amazing support to me and Tamzin when he’s here. 

“I also have an older daughter who is 20 years who helps if she can and I have a 7 year old son who it affects a lot because my times focused on Tamzin so much.

‘All I’m asking for is for Tamzin to have the equipment she so desperately needs. Tamzin deteriorates daily, her human rights are not being met please help her voice be heard by signing the petition“.