Local News

New Sustainability Framework from Council

TVBC's Sustainability Framework

Test Valley Borough Council discussed its future focus for sustainability at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 15th November.

As a result, a new approach has been agreed ensuring that the Council take account of environmental sustainability considerations in the way it delivers all of its services.

The Council implemented a five-year Sustainability Strategy in 2012 and this will now be superseded by a new Sustainability Framework.

The new approach is made up of a framework with a series of objectives. This would ensure that environmental sustainability matters are taken into account alongside other considerations in determining how we deliver services, as well as in relation to specific projects and proposals

The framework has been produced as an easy to read document explaining how this will work in practice, recognises work that is already underway and directs readers to other relevant information.

Environmental Portfolio Holder, Councillor Graham Stallard said: “The Council has an excellent recent record with sustainability initiatives, ranging from the purchase of electric vans for its fleet, a full solar panel installation on the depot roof at Portway, and a thorough review of energy efficiency, with LED lighting, at its Beech Hurst offices.”

The new sustainability framework links to the ‘Enjoy’ priority within the Corporate Plan, specifically in regard to our natural and built environment. We have agreed this alternative approach as the best way forward in terms of maximising environmental sustainability. It will also reduce the risk of duplication between multiple strategies and projects.

For example, our HECA (Home Energy Conservation Act) Action Plan is a separate document that includes its own actions, but complements the objectives of the Sustainability Framework. One of these complementary actions is where we try and increase energy efficiency of homes leading to a reduction in energy usage.”