
Andover Town Centre Getting a Spring Clean

Following the recent two street audits, the town centre will see a "spring clean" as some of the bollards and old style planters will be removed whilst the granite balls will be cleaned and other bollards repainted. [Read more...]

Following the recent two street audits, the town centre will see a “spring clean” as some of the bollards and old style planters will be removed whilst the granite balls will be cleaned and other bollards repainted.

In the place of the removed street furniture there will be tree planters, a hanging basket scheme with local shop keepers and improved signposting to local shops.

Work has already commenced with the cleaning of the stone balls and the repainting of the bollards that are being retained.

High Street Andover

The street audits involved more than 25 residents, retailers, councillors and council officers and looked at the purpose, condition, location and maintenance of a variety of street furniture. The first audit looked at the High Street while the second covered Bridge Street and London Street from Sainsburys to Life.

Plans are underway to produce an online directory of local businesses and to work with local residents to create a more vibrant look and feel to the town. There are also plans to improve and enhance pedestrian access to the upper part of the High Street including Chantry Street and Newbury Street that are being developed in conjunction with Hampshire County Council.

Consultation is due to take place shortly on the plans, which include wider footways, improved crossings and short stay dash and go parking. The scheme should commence in the next financial year.