
Low Turnout for Andover Town Council Workshop

A workshop was arranged by Andover Town Council to look at the needs of various groups within the town however it received a low turnout and now other ways are being addressed. [Read more...]

A workshop was arranged by Andover Town Council to look at the needs of various groups within the town however it received a low turnout and now other ways are being addressed.

Chris Lynn from Andover Town Council reported:

Last Saturday (27th April 2013), Andover Town Council held a Workshop in the Guildhall to look at the needs of a variety of groups in the town.

The Town Council needed a broad spectrum of interest so we decided to target specific groups. It was agreed to target 3 groups in the town and they were specifically invited:

  1. Young mums
  2. Young people
  3. Older people.

A total of 60 people were invited with personal invitations to come along and give us their views. Each of the young people and young mums were spoken to at a Test Valley Borough Council survey and showed great interest in being involved and contribute. They were each phoned with details of the event and all agreed to come along and bring a friend. On top of that several young mums groups were contacted and invited, along with older persons.

On the Friday we had fewer replies than expected and decide to ask the Breeze to advertise the workshop as this could bring in a few extra people. They put it out on Friday afternoon and evening and Saturday morning and this produced two extra people.

We were delighted with the ideas that came forward such as:

  • Use of the High Street
  • Signage
  • Markets
  • Trees and shrubs
  • Seating
  • Parking

As this was a workshop for invited guests and not an open event we were a little disappointed in the numbers but realise that to contact and engage with these groups we need to visit them.

We are still looking for ideas and anybody who would like to send them by email, phone, letter etc. we would be very grateful.

Chris Lynn
Chairman of Amenities and Town Development Committee

If you have any queries ref this meeting you can email Chris Lynn at

Andover Guildhall
Image © Copyright Chris Talbot and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence