Andover Young People Community Local News

Community Support for Young People in Andover

unity building
Photo taken by Ella Palmer

Unity has built up a successful prescription service for adults with mental health difficulties. They are now extending their services to include young people aged 11-18.

Unity are offering a service of social prescribing to our young people aged between 11-18 who are suffering from mental health difficulties and / or social isolation.  Social prescribing enables young people to access support services in the form of community activities.  This will work as either an alternative or a complement to medical intervention.  The aim of this service is to empower our young people to find solutions before their mental health hits crisis point.    Unity have successfully run a similar model for adults and therefore are looking to extend to our young people.

If you are a community group that would like to offer support to our young people please get in touch via email,

Each social ‘prescription’ will be highly personalised to our young person, and rather than just a signposting service, Unity will support the young person to attend the sessions.

You can find the social prescription referral form here:

unity youth