#LockdownLegend Local News News

Tablets For Children – *Update* Over £5500 raised!

On boxing day, 2020 – Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that there would be a national lockdown, which prompted home schooling. In order to achieve this, families would need to have access to some sort of tablet/computer in order to be able to carry out the classroom teaching.

Ryan Rawlinson found that he suddenly had to purchase new tablets for his own family and wondered how other families would cope. Realising that they aren’t cheap, Ryan quickly went to work to purchase the tablets for families which may not have the funds to help educate their children. He started by gifting 2 tablets himself and within a 3 week stretch has now managed to purchase and subsequently help support nearly 100 families in and around the Andover area.

On the 6th January 2021 I wrote an article about local legend, Ryan Rawlinson, check it out here – we have some great news to report, thanks to the generosity of the general public and business owners and determination of Ryan, ‘Tablets For Children’ has raised £5632!

Thanks to the support from KP Safety SolutionsHelix GroupCrescent Pharmer – who between these 3 companies alone, £2500 was gifted – if any other business wants to get involved – please get in contact – we’d love to shout you out!

Ryan said”Massive thank you to everyone that has been involved – if you had said 3 weeks ago that we would be able to help out 100 families, well…I would have laughed. On the 6th January I wrote ”my aim is 10”…. we have now given several tablets to every single junior and primary school in Andover – we have plans to continue buying and gifting tablets to special educational needs schools and local village schools, surrounding Andover…who’d have thought that we have now given away nearly 10 x my target!?…”

Ryan gifting tablets to Schools around Andover

If you would like to gift some money to support the cause please click here and to keep up to date with Tablets For Children, head to Ryan’s Facebook group

About the author

Adam Phillips

After being in the banking industry for over 10 years, its time to help educate people and business owners to the best of my ability!
We live in a world where (For some reason) Money isn't taught in the education system at all.
I'm here to help support both the household and the small business owner by helping save them money. More often than not, the household and the business owner is not too dissimilar. It's so easy to go about your day and never take the time to work out if what you are doing is the most reliable, most efficient or most relevant for you. This is where I come in!
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