Tag - Andover

Poet's Corner

Am I relevant?

Technological advances advertisement dances Can children dream without seeing a tablet or phone screen they are being sold a future a dream unseen in thirty...

Poet's Corner

Hocus pocus diplodocus

Hocus pocus diplodocus Dinosaurs spring into life Out of the magic hat Come animals and lizards birds and cats. God’s a magician or is evolution on a...

Poet's Corner

Love is stronger than fear

Waiting in the anxious mind unkind demons call me from the depths audio hallucinations have crept into my hearts beatings and my breath is shallow I have...

Poet's Corner

Miss Rain

She hides ink in her pen But even when she doesn’t write she is full of fight Her eyes are light but her tears are rain hiding her story and her shame Queen...

Poet's Corner

Nature’s flight haiku

Peace found in the sky
watching birds hanging around
nature’s magic flight
Photo by Steve Thornton
My poetry website

Poet's Corner

When love is an Alien word

When love is an alien word where are you I need you so? Your soul is like white gold beautiful but difficult to hold. Are you in the clear light away from me...

Poet's Corner

Cut flowers

I have no roots my beauty isn’t even soil deep I lie in the water of tears I have wept kept until I die a rotten death you shouldn’t have cut me from my home...

Poet's Corner

We will be home

In a daydreaming eye is a twinkling star in the bluest sky is the sun. In the wondering mind is the thoughts aligned in the synchronised heart we are one. In...

Poet's Corner

Save our boys

In the echos of misogyny In the way we dismiss a boys pain we are born androgynous and yet boys are taught to treat their emotions with disdain. Like toy...