Lying awake, thinking No noise outside But inside my head Pounding Thoughts that go on and on...
Tag - love
Dieses Proscar-Konzept, das zuvor vermutlich durch die sportliche mikrobielle Flora von Kohlenhydraten hervorgerufen wurde, hat die billigste Online...
A poem for St. Valentine’s Day (not quite the normal thing and a collaborative composition) BAH HUMBUG TO VALENTINES DAY. Love is such a silly word, It...
In the space inside my hand only sand flowing through I don’t choose to be me and I don’t choose to be you I choose to be voice that says hello your favourite...
Like a fighter who never wins I get back into the ring Just to stand for one thing Love. Yes my version of love might be a page torn from a magazine but I can...
The ones who stay behind and do not serve can never truly know what is put on the line by the soldiers who protect our way of life at their expense and fight...
Black clouds are brewing in distant skies Storm crows are shrieking their calls and cries What buildings? What walls will stand? Where she strides worlds...
If you give me loveI will give you friendshipif you give me respectI will be your mirrorif you forgive my faultsI will catapult my soul towards youif you treat...
When love is an alien word where are you I need you so? Your soul is like white gold beautiful but difficult to hold. Are you in the clear light away from me...
There is kindness here if you can keep it in mind there is sadness, remorse and discourse that signals just how much I love you However I walk in daylight and...