Education News


Andover College Further Education (including Access to HE students) and Apprenticeship Students 

The government has advised that all colleges in England will be required to revise their arrangements for the start of term as part of the national effort to contain the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19). 

What this means for Andover College ?

Andover college will recommence delivery online for the new term from Monday 4 January with lessons happening as per your normal timetabled arrangements. 

The college then plans for A2 Level students taking exams this summer to return to learning in person on Tuesday 12 January and for all other learners to return to in-person learning on Monday 18 January. All lessons will continue online until your return date.  

Students were contacted directly by their curriculum leader before Christmas with details of how to access online learning. 

All students will receive a letter from Andover college by Monday 4 January which will provide full details of their return and test date. The first test dates will be between Tuesday 5 and Friday 8 January with a second test the following week. The College is working with NHS Test & Trace to set up an on-campus Asymptomatic Testing Site (ATS) of Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) so that students without symptoms, who may be infectious but unaware, are able to get tested and self-isolate if positive or to be reassured quickly if they are not. 

Whilst all students are urged to get tested on their return to College to help protect themselves and the wider student community, participation in testing is voluntary and will not be administered without the consent of the student undergoing the test as well as the parent or carer of any student aged under 18 years of age. For students under 18, parents and guardians are asked to urgently return the consent form you received in your original letter from us as soon as possible to allow us to put sufficient testing provision in place. Your follow up letter will also republish the consent form for your urgent consideration. 

As previously advised all formal public exams will continue as planned between 4 and 15 January. 

Please visit Andover Colleges website for the latest updates , here

If you have local information to share with us, please get in touch with us, our contact details can be found here