On Thursday 6 May 2021, voters in Test Valley will go to the polls for the postponed Police and Crime Commissioner elections, Hampshire County Council elections, by-elections for Test Valley Borough Council wards and a number of parish and town council vacancies, along with some neighbourhood planning referendums.
The polling stations will be open and have safety measures in place, to enable you to vote in person. If you would prefer not to visit a polling station you can apply for a postal vote now, and the deadline for applications is 5pm on 20 April. Alternatively, you can appoint someone you trust to vote in your place, known as a proxy vote. The deadline for a proxy vote is 5pm on 27 April.
Polling stations will be safe places to vote and voters will be encouraged to keep themselves and others safe to vote by:
- wearing a face covering
- bringing their own pen or pencil
- cleaning their hands when entering and leaving the polling station
- keeping a safe distance.
Voters should not attend the polling station if they have symptoms of Covid-19, or if they have been asked to self-isolate. There will be provisions in place to apply for an emergency proxy vote if required for health reasons.
Andy Ferrier, Electoral Registration Officer for Test Valley Borough Council, said: “It’s important to make sure your voice is heard at the elections in May, and we are putting measures in place to help you cast your vote safely. You can vote either vote at a polling station, by post or by proxy.
“If you decide to vote by post, please don’t wait until the deadline to apply, we are anticipating an increase in postal vote registrations. Sending your application now will make sure it is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly once the candidates for the election are confirmed.”
However you choose to vote, you must be registered in order to have your say at the elections. If you are not already registered, you can do so online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.
You can find more information about how to apply to vote by post or proxy on our website at www.testvalley.gov.uk/WaystoVote