Local News

Andover Repair Café Starts Up

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What do you do with a broken toaster, a skirt that needs a new zip or a hair dryer that’s on the blink? If your answer is bin it, then think again because Andover is about to get it’s own Repair Café.

Starting on 22nd July, from 10am till 1.30pm and hosted by Andover Mind at the well-being centre in Westbrook Close, the Repair Café will take place monthly.

Debra Ramchurn CEO of Andover Mind said “We throw away a lot of things which have very little wrong with them and which could easily be used again after a simple repair. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten that they can have things repaired and we want to change that.”

Repair Cafés are social events where you can get help from our volunteer fixers to repair your things and at the same time enjoy a cuppa, cake and a chat. It’s open to everyone and we hope to see as many people as possible on 22nd July and in the coming months.”

The Repair Café has received support from VIVID (formerly Sentinel Housing Association) and The Saintbury Trust to help with start up costs and depends on the continuing generosity of volunteers who give their time to help out.

Lisa Langman, volunteer co-ordinator at Andover Mind said “If you have a talent for fixing things and have time to spare some weekends, we’d love to hear from you.

We need people with practical skills to act as fixers as well as front of house and refreshment helpers. This is an opportunity to be part of an exciting new event right from the start and we are hoping to recruit a team of about 20 volunteers over the coming months.”

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