Andover Vision has teamed up with Andover Trees United (ATU) to celebrate the Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace on Friday 21 September, with a procession to Harmony Woods and the flying of decorative doves. Jane Goodall is a United Nations Ambassador for peace.
The Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots team invited Andover Trees United to host this year’s main UK event. The Vision team has been helping to promote the peace day procession organised by ATU at recent community events by asking the public to decorate paper doves and write promises and messages encouraging people to live in harmony.
Anyone who wishes to take part in the procession should meet at Augusta Park sports pavilion at 9.40am. The procession will leave at 10am and head to Harmony Woods where participants will hang the doves and plant a tree as a symbol of peace. Tea and coffee will be available from 9.15am. The doves made by visitors to the Andover Vision stand at the carnival and during August’s Fun Fridays are already on display for people to view in Andover Library.
Children and staff from 9 local schools; Andover CofE, Portway, Pilgrim’s Cross, Rookwood, Harrow Way, Abbotts Ann, Vigo Primary, Mark Way, Icknield and Endeavour will be taking part in the procession and at school. The giant dove of peace has been made by students and staff at Andover CofE School, with all participating schools making paper doves to hang in school and to carry in the procession on Friday.
Councillor Phil North, who coordinates the Andover Vision project, said: “The Vision team has really enjoyed working with Andover Trees United to mark the UN International Day of Peace in association with Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots. Andover has such a strong sense of community and living peacefully and respecting others is absolutely key to sustaining this.”
Wendy Davis from Andover Trees United, said: “We are immensely proud to have been asked by Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots to organise the event. It has been wonderful to see the local community come together, including local schools and clubs, to create these spectacular doves and spread the message of peace far and wide. I hope it will be a fantastic day for all involved.”
Participants are asked to wear sensible clothing and footwear.