Business News Local News

Christmas window competition judging

mooch andover christmas window

Despite the torrid year local businesses have faced, many have still put effort into their window displays this Christmas.

Businesses like Mooch and Photos2Print have made significant effort this year to brighten up their windows, which in turn adds to Andover high street’s festive feel.

A troupe of local people will be gathering on Saturday morning to judge shop windows as part of Andover BID’s Christmas Window Competition.

The criteria for judging each business will be one a score out of 10 using these categories:

  1. Overall creativity
  1. Inventive use of materials 
  1. Use of lights or placement of decorations in window space
  1. How well does the display convey the ‘Spirit of Christmas’
  1. Overall impression/’wow factor’

The window competition judges Cllr Iris Anderson, Sean Caruana, Ben Tuffin from Love Andover and the leader of Test Valley Borough Council Cllr Phil North. BID Manager Steve Godwin said, “I’ll be there with the group but not judging to ensure impartiality!”

The winning entrant will be announced on Monday 21st December and will receive £200 for them to donate to their favourite local charity. The money is thanks to donations from Andover BID, The Lifestyle Card and Love Andover.

Love Andover, Andover Radio and the Love Andover Observer newspaper, along with Andover BID continue to encourage people to support our local businesses and #ShopAndover this Christmas.

About the author

David Harber

David Harber is the founder and Managing Director of Love Andover, including the Love Andover Observer newspaper and 95.9FM Andover Radio. He is a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts and a card carrying member of the Nation Union of Journalists.