HAMPSHIRE County Council’s main school caterers have produced a series of online recipes for parents to provide meals on a budget at home.
With schools closed ,children entitled to school free school meals are no longer getting this provision by attending school .
With the government’s supermarket voucher scheme for free school meal children starting on Monday 20th April, Hampshire’s HC3S catering team are sharing recipes and top tips to help residents make the most of their food at home during the coronavirus lockdown.
Click here to find all of their recipes.
They also have a guide for fussy eaters, just click here
Schools can continue to provide meals and food parcels for collection or delivery themselves, but where this is not possible, the Goverment scheme allows schools to provide vouchers to families electronically, or as a gift card in the post for those without internet access. The Department for Education has worked closely with the provider Edenred to expand the system, on Tuesday Aldi joined a range of supermarkets including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose and M&S where vouchers can be redeemed. The Department for Education continues to work to get more shops to join the scheme as soon as possible.
Minister for Children and Families Vicky Ford said:
We are focused on making sure that the 1.3 million disadvantaged children who would normally have a free school meal do not go hungry as a result of staying home to protect the NHS and save lives.