coronavirus Education News FamilyLife

National Offer Day for Year R and 3 in Hampshire 2020

Thursday 16th April 2020 is National Offer Day for thousands of children due to start Reception class and Secondary schools in Hampshire this September.

The School Admissions Team are working remotely to continue to deliver this service and provide support to both schools and parents during the national response to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, please note that response times may take longer than usual.

✔Starting school and infant to junior transfer

Parents who applied by the deadline for a place in Year R or Year 3 in September 2020 will be sent the outcome of their application on the 16 April 2020.

Please read the guidance for full details about the process, here

Please wait for the school to invite you to bring the evidence into school. DO NOT attempt to visit the school whilst social distancing measures are in place to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

For Further information and guidance on all of the above on the HantsWeb website: