Love Andover are extremely excited to announce that the #Lovebus has a new partnership with Yellow Brick Road Project to deliver detached youth work in and around Andover.
From 30th September 2020 the Andover Youth Team, #AY, a core team of trained youth workers will be out and about on the streets of Andover making contact with young people to build voluntary relationships on their ‘own turf’. With the recent pandemic, we have been unable to get out and about on the #lovebus as we had expected. With restrictions easing we are now able to meet with small groups of young people socially distancing outside. We are aware that due to the recent pandemic young people have found the recent changes hard and will continue to need support, we are here to offer access to informal learning, opportunities, information and resources.
Our aim is to combat the social exclusion of all young people under 25 years in the Andover area regardless of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnic origin, political or religious opinion and tackle the feeling of isolation and loneliness through meeting, listening to and talking with young people and developing further activities together, such as trips, residentials, projects, workshops, accredited learning, volunteering and community action.
When young people congregate in local areas, with often nothing to do, they are perceived to be problematic #AY wants to work with young people to develop their ideas and support their life choices giving young people access to informal learning opportunities and information and guidance around a whole range of issues that affect them including drugs and sexual health meaning that they are better informed and have knowledge opportunities that are available to them.
Types of activities include:
- Sports and games
- Creative arts
- Life skills workshops
- Information, advice and guidance
- Signposting
#AY will promote consultation with the young people to ensure their voice has the opportunity of being heard at all levels. The project will promote participation of the young people to encourage involvement at every level as well as a sense of belonging in their community. We will develop confidential lines of communication when required and refer on to the relevant agency in times of need / threat / harm / suicide / isolation.
We believe all young people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and that each young person can love, think, create, reflect, enjoy, achieve and make a positive difference to their world.
‘Yellow Brick Road Projects are really excited to be working with Love Andover to provide a detached service to young people in Andover – this is a great opportunity for young people to access support from trusted adults in their community. The team of youth workers are skilled in engaging with young people and delivering issue based activities as well as supporting young people to access partner agencies working in the area.’
Abi Facey from Yellow Brick Road Projects
One of the services which the #AY Detached Team can support young people to access is The Legacy Project. This is a joint initiative with UpSkillU providing mentors with lived experience for young people from Andover who are at risk of or are being criminally exploited. Click HERE to see the promo video for The Legacy Project.
We are due to be out and about in our purple hoodies from Wednesday 30th September between 6.30pm 8.30pm please come and say hello.
This is a challenging time for all of us. If you have any concerns for yourself, your family or another young person and you’d like to talk it through with someone, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR CONCERNS WITH US.