Business News Local News

New Committee New Year for Andover Women in Business

We plan to grow and help more local women in business this year” was the message from AWIB President Katie Brooks as the club starts its 29th year.

It has been a rollercoaster 12 months for AWIB – Andover Women in Business – with the lockdown stopping the face to face meetings plus social gatherings, together with several members retiring, however this year’s President is determined to help the club thrive and to support other local businesses.

It has been a bumpy ride with Covid-19 and the lockdown happening but with the really strong committee we have now, we plan to grow and make a difference locally” said Katie.

We already have some inspirational speakers lined up for the coming year as well as social events albeit from the comfort of your own home or office. Covid-19 has had an effect but it’s made us adapt and find other ways to work which in itself is a great skill to have” added Katie.

The group is aimed at businesswomen running their own business or working in other businesses and offers support, not just from a working perspective but also sometimes a personal one as well.

A question that often crops up is why a networking group for women in business? It’s to provide a support network to other businesswomen from a woman’s view. We don’t exclude men and in fact many of our guest speakers are men” she explained.

How It All Started

The idea for AWIB started in May 1992 when an article placed in the Andover Advertiser invited local businesswomen in the area to a meeting of businesswomen at the Ashley Court Hotel. The idea was the brainchild of Yvonne Povah, joint proprietor of the hotel.

Yvonne thought, as a local businesswoman herself, that a club would be an excellent way for local businesswomen to unite, exchange views and more importantly to provide support and encouragement where needed.

28 years have since passed but the ethos of the club still remains: supporting other members.

Joining AWIB

If you would like to join or find out more about AWIB, please visit the website at or contact Katie at