Local News

Tesco Gets Closure Notice

Tesco Metro Andover Chantry Centre

Town centre store not allowed to sell alcohol from midday Saturday

Two Closure Orders have been issued, one in Andover and one in Basingstoke, after police carried out test purchase operations.

During March 2012 police carried out test purchase operations at a number of licensed premises across the Northern Policing Area.

Two premises failed the operation and each sold alcohol to people aged under 18 on two occasions. The premises that failed were: Tesco at the Chantry Centre, Andover, and Tesco, Buckingham Parade, Kempshott, Basingstoke.

The two Tesco stores have subsequently been issued with Closure Orders under the Licensing Act 2003, to take effect at noon on Saturday, June 2 through to noon on Monday, June 4. These stores will not be allowed to sell alcohol during this 48 hour closure period.

Inspector Chris White, the lead for Licensing in Hampshire Constabulary’s Northern Policing Area said: “It was very disappointing to see that these stores failed two separate test purchase operations, at two different stores in the same month.

“It is important that licensees and their employees understand the harm that selling alcohol to young people can do, both to the individuals and to the local community, through alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour. We will continue to run similar operations in order to ensure the licensing laws are adhered to.

“We are working with Trading Standards and Tesco’s to ensure they comply with the law. “Anyone who has information about premises that sell alcohol to minors should contact their local Safer Neighbourhood Team.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact their local SNT by phoning 101 or emailing (details here)

From outside Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, call police on 0845 045 45 45. Mini-Com users can call the police on 01962 875000. Information can be given anonymously by calling the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

Radio article.

Tesco Metro Andover Chantry Centre