Andover Events Community Local News

Andover Carnival 2023: Gallery

The Andover Carnival has once again dazzled the town, uniting residents and visitors in a vibrant celebration of joy and community spirit. This year’s event, organized by a dedicated team and supported by countless enthusiastic participants, was a resounding success. The streets came alive with music, colorful floats, and an electric atmosphere that will be cherished in the hearts of all who attended.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements of the organizers and express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who contributed to making the Andover Carnival a memorable occasion.

We are fortunate to have the talented photographer Jez Rolfe and our very own Richard Hobbs capture the essence of the Andover Carnival in a remarkable collection of images. These stunning photographs truly showcase the vibrancy, creativity, and enthusiasm that infused every corner of the event.

Photo Credit: Jez Rolfe

Photo Credit: Richard Hobbs: