Test Valley Borough Council has awarded a £200 councillor community grant to Hurstbourne Tarrant Primary School.
The grant will help towards the cost of art materials for an impressive whole school community art exhibition. Every pupil will now be able to join in and create artwork for the project.
Years R, 1, 5 & 6 are currently in school along with the children of key workers, but as some children are still home-schooling the Headteacher, Mr Dee, has been devising weekly projects so that everyone can continue to feel part of the school community. The art exhibition is an excellent example of how a project like this can bring together the work of children in school and children who are currently at home.
Some children produced collages using colourful sweet wrappers and recycled magazines, while others created drawings and paintings. The inspiration for the pieces included a topic theme ‘dragons’ as well as characters, like Wilbur the Seal, from the books of children’s author and illustrator Rob Biddulph. Children even enjoyed free art lessons from Rob online, via his ‘Draw with Rob’ series on YouTube.
Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, councillor Phil North presented the school with the grant. He said: “It has been a pleasure to visit the school today and see the wonderful art that the children have been busy creating. It is great to see how a project like this has brought pupils together, despite some still being at home due to the advice surrounding the current pandemic. Well done to Hurstbourne Tarrant Primary School teachers for all of their hard work, especially over the last few months.”
The exhibition was displayed in the school tennis court for everyone to see.