Community Local News

Fundraising success for Andover’s I Can Connect

Local project I Can Connect has successfully raised nearly £4000 after taking part in the latest round of the Aviva Community Fund.

The I Can Connect fundraising campaign went ‘live’ at the beginning of November having been selected by Aviva to help older people and those managing long-term health conditions to stay connected, keep mobile and remain healthy and well in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

I Can Connect has been established by local charity Valley Leisure Ltd in response to COVID-19 and the impact of closing the I Can Therapy Centre for customers. At the heart of I Can Connect is an exercise book compiled by the team to keep people moving and motivated whilst the centre is closed.

The I Can team, Ann, Sam and Jayne, have also voluntarily called therapy centre customers during both lockdowns to check in, say hi and signpost customers to additional support if required. These phone calls have been met with joy by their customers, many of whom have had their daily activities heavily restricted in response to COVID-19.

Frances said “ I love hearing Jayne’s friendly and enthusiastic voice during the I Can Connect phone calls; I feel supported and part of the I Can family. I am able to share the exercises I have created at home with Jayne and she is able to help me stay motivated and progress.

Ann Jones, Centre Manager at I Can Therapy Centre said “ We’ve seen first-hand the impact of COVID-19, our customers are not as strong, their mobility has reduced, and they are not as steady on their feet. We know we can help people with I Can Connect, we can improve people’s self-value and their confidence.

The team are excited to be able to create and produce new I Can at Home exercise books with funds raised. The first of these is due for release in the new year and will focus on the power of the mind featuring goal setting and a gratitude diary.

For more information about the I Can Therapy Centre, visit