Charity Community

Only 2 weeks left to support the Andover Mind ‘Squiggle’ appeal!

The Squiggle appeal is a fundraising initiative to raise money for the Garden for Mind, a transformative project by Andover Mind to develop a garden designed to support mental health and wellbeing. 

Andover Mind, the local mental health charity, are selling handmade garden stakes featuring the charity logo, a squiggle, with proceeds of the sales going towards the ongoing coordination of the project.

“The purpose of this campaign is to raise money to support this amazing community project, but also to create a stunning art installation as a centrepiece in the garden to mark the occasion of the official opening!” says Lou Ellison, communications manager for Andover Mind

“Inspired by the poppies at the Tower of London for the WWI centenary, although obviously on a much smaller scale, we want to create a beautiful visual display with the squiggles, which also happen to look like flowers. And the best thing is that our supporters get to take their squiggle home with them afterwards, to enjoy in their own garden!”  

The squiggles, manufactured by Hurstbourne Forge, a local family-run business, exclusively for Andover Mind, will be displayed in the garden to create a temporary art installation for the official opening on 11 July, and will remain in situ for 4 weeks thereafter, providing an attraction for visitors. Following the display period, the squiggles will be available for the buyers to collect and take home, or leave in the garden if they would prefer.  

To buy your squiggle, visit the website or visit the Andover Mind Ugly Duckling shop in the Chantry Centre.