#shopAndover Community Local News

OpScrooge Police Patrols around Andover

Officers from Andover Neighbourhood Policing Team have been taking part in #OperationScrooge to deter shoplifters and reducing anti-social behaviour in the run-up to Christmas.

Operation Scrooge will see officers liaise with retailers, give advice to shoppers and carry out high-visibility patrols in Andover town centre and retail parks. Local officers will be conducting targeted patrols with the aim of preventing organised, and opportunistic, shop lifters. They will also be targeting anti-social behaviour hotspots and engaging with the community on matters that concern them.The campaign is due to finish on 24 December.

Test Valley Inspector Chris Taylor said: “As Christmas approaches, more and more people will be out and about in our town’s shops and banks.“Test Valley is a safe place to live and work but it is not immune to people who wish to take advantage of shoppers and businesses at this time of year.The aim of our operation is to deter and detect crime and provide reassurance to the public and businesses.We will continue to use tactics that have proved successful in previous years to make sure those who commit crime in the town centre are dealt with robustly.We would also encourage retail outlets to report any thefts online. This enables us to build a better picture and target our resources in future years.”

They would like to take this opportunity to remind people of the steps they can take to protect their property.

  • never leave a bag unattended in a trolley, even if for a couple of seconds
  • make sure your handbag is closed
  • try to keep wallets in an inside pocket and out of sight from a potential pickpocket
  • keep your PIN number confidential
  • try to pay for items on a debit card, rather than carry large amounts of cash, if possible
  • ensure all windows and doors are closed and locked before leaving your car

For more advice on thefts from a person, visit: https://orlo.uk/KPsAV