Local News

Valley Leisure helps keep Andover MS group strong and steady

Andover MS Group
Andover MS Group

Friday afternoon sees the weekly meeting of the Andover and District Group of the MS Society which aims to enable those affected by MS to meet others and provide support and information to help people affected manage the condition.

Part of the weekly support session is dedicated to the delivery of a specialist seated strength and balance class which has been established in partnership with Valley Leisure Ltd to enable members of the group to keep strong and steady on their feet.

Mike Lay, Group Coordinator of the Andover and District MS Society said “Every week, our friendly therapy exercise leader really helps us stretch those stiff legs which helps to ease the symptoms of MS as well as boosting our wellbeing and being really enjoyable and good fun.”

The MS Society cites the many benefits of keeping active after a diagnosis of MS and highlights that staying and keeping active keeps your body working to its full potential in particular by improving muscle strength and fitness to help with everyday mobility and overcome weakness problems.

Members of the group have found great benefit from completing the class regularly including Sally who said “I enjoy doing the exercises. I find it helps to keep mobile. I notice when I haven’t done exercises for a while everything aches and is stiffer. It also helps my wellbeing.”

Brian also said “There is a lovely atmosphere in the class, it’s an enjoyable way to flex those muscles and keep active in my wheelchair.”

The strength and balance class is predominantly seated and suitable for those independent or in wheelchairs and provides a range of mobilisation, stretching, pulse raising and coordination activities designed to mobilise and lengthen stiff muscles and joints.

Liz Murray, Community Health Development Manager for Valley Leisure Ltd said “We are trying to enable as many people as possible to lead an active lifestyle and by working in partnership with local organisations such as the Andover MS Group we are able to take exercise opportunities out to those who will gain most benefit.”

The seated strength and balance class is a great example of partnership working in action and the class enables those who attend to move more and feel better which is at the heart of the Charity’s ethos.”

Seated strength and balance takes place every Friday afternoon from 2.00-3.00pm as part of the Andover and District MS Society support group.

For more information, please contact Valley Leisure on 01264 568240 or email Liz Murray, Community Health Development Manager on lmurray@valleyleisure.com.

For more information about the Andover and District MS Group, please contact the Local Support Officer, Anne Wise on 07585 79 36 53.