Charity Community Local News

13th Jamie G Gala Ball Triumphs with £11,970

On Saturday, the community gathered for the 13th Jamie G Gala Ball, an event that has become a cornerstone of local community. This year’s ball was a tremendous success, raising an impressive £11,970 for the Jamie G Sporting Trust, to support sports initiatives in the area.

The gala, held to celebrate and support the Jamie G charity, drew a diverse crowd of supporters who donated items for the raffle and auction, and contributed their time, energy, and funds to the cause. The night was centred around three key themes: Andover, Sport, and Passion. Attendees embodied these themes, creating an atmosphere of positivity and community spirit.

During the event, organisers provided an update on the charity’s recent activities, highlighting the launch of a newly updated website. This website now includes a comprehensive directory of local sports clubs, categorised by sport, complete with contact details and links to each club’s website. Local clubs are encouraged to check their listings to ensure the information is up-to-date, with a form available on the website for submitting any necessary changes.

This directory represents a significant step forward in the charity’s mission to increase children’s participation in sports. By connecting families with local clubs, the charity aims to facilitate “first-time experiences” in sports for many children, fostering a love for physical activity and community involvement from a young age.

The organisers expressed their gratitude to everyone who contributed to the event’s success, emphasising the importance of community support in achieving the charity’s goals. The funds raised will help the charity continue its work, honouring the legacy of Jamie Gentleman and supporting the local community’s sporting endeavours.

The Jamie G Gala Ball stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared purpose. The charity looks forward to continuing its efforts to make a positive impact, with the ongoing support of its dedicated supporters.