Andover BID Business News

From Andover with Love: Andover BIDs’ Video Series Strengthens Local Business Bonds

Local businesses in Andover have collaborated on a video series called “Share the Love,” showcasing support among the business community. The series, available on the InAndover social media channels, features businesses recommending each other to encourage local patronage.

The Share the Love video series, initiated by Andover Business Improvement District (BID), aims to foster support among local businesses for each other. Each video highlights businesses recommending other establishments, emphasizing the variety of offerings available in the area.

Shelley Coburn, from Andover BID, expressed, “This video series is a wonderful testament to the spirit of collaboration and community among Andover businesses. It exemplifies the strength of our local economy when we stand together and support one another.”

The series celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit in Andover and promotes the idea that supporting one business benefits the entire community. By uplifting each other, businesses create a positive atmosphere that benefits all.

One featured business manager Alex Burt, of The Fragrance Shop, shared, “Being a part of this video series has been a fantastic experience. It’s heartwarming to see how much we appreciate and recommend each other’s businesses together, we create a thriving and vibrant local scene.”

The videos feature diverse businesses, showcasing Andover’s economic landscape. They also demonstrate how businesses have adapted to meet market challenges, highlighting their resilience.

Viewers are encouraged to explore the InAndover YouTube channel to discover local businesses and their unique stories. The series aims to inspire viewers to engage with local businesses and contribute to the economic growth of the town.

For more information about the Share the Love video series, please visit the official Andover BIDs YouTube channel