Education News

Garden Centre Donates Gardening Materials to Primary School

Rosebourne & Hillier Garden Centre donates resources to Wellington Eagles Primary Academy. The school is very excited to get to use and experiment with all the donations.

Lyanne Morrison, Nursery Teacher from Wellington Eagles Primary Academy approached the garden centre due to the Garden Centre being welcomed and rebranded into the Hillier Garden Centre family. The centre was having a clear out of various materials and kindly donated the items to the primary.

The children from the Nest Nursery have been getting their hands dirty and were eager to start learning with Ms Morrison. The nursery children have been experimenting with the donations and have so far had elaborate picnics, as well as making made sturdy car runs with guttering.

The older children at Wellington Eagles will be soon potting flowers to go around the school and outside playgrounds, embracing their wonder of nature with their Eco Leader Rachel Gage. These will help in creating an outside learning environment for the children and will be beneficial for all of the children at Wellington Eagles.

Lyanne Morrison began by saying “We are extremely grateful for the kind donation from the garden centre. I knew that the resources would be useful to engage my curious learners, it can also trigger a hobby or enjoyment that was something they had never experienced before. Learning how to pot can be passed on into a love for growing their own fruit or vegetables or create their own beautiful flowerbeds at home. We hope to make the school greener as well as helping to keep the children active and explore their curious minds.”