Education News

Harrow Way Community School impress Ofsted following inspection

Students, teachers, staff and governors at Harrow Way are all celebrating the news that they have impressed Ofsted following an inspection’ of the school in July 2022.

The inspectors provided Harrow Way with a glowing report declaring them once again a ‘good’ school with many strengths and outstanding features identified.

Headteacher Michael Serridge said: “I am immensely proud of the inspection report and the efforts of everyone who contribute daily to our high-quality provision here at Harrow Way. I am particularly thrilled that for two days the inspectors saw what we see every day – an excellent school.

“This report reflects the hard work of students, staff, our governing body and the impact of support provided by parents and carers.  It is a school that students enjoy and feel safe attending and staff feel proud to work at.”

The report praised students and staff saying: “Pupils enjoy attending school. Staff have high expectations for all. The school encourages pupils to, ‘Be ready, be respectful and be their best’. They live up to this by behaving well and working hard in lessons. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive. Pupils respond well to the encouragement given to them by their teachers.”

Student behaviour in lessons was also described as ‘very positive’ with students listening to the teacher and support each other with learning. Similarly, conduct around the school is also good, with students being sensible, polite and differences respected.

The inspectors noted that Harrow Way students are well cared for and feel safe, know that they have someone to talk to at school if they are worried and that bullying is not tolerated. Pastoral support is also acknowledged as a strength of the school.

Harrow Way’s leadership team also impress Ofsted with the inspectors commenting: “Leaders have constructed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. The wider personal development of pupils is a strength with careers education enabling pupils to make informed choices about their future in education, training or work.”

Headteacher Mr Serridge is well known for his commitment to continuous improvement with the report commenting: “Staff feel proud to work here and value the support that leaders give them. They appreciate the opportunities for career development. Leadership development is a strength of the school. Leaders balance staff well-being with a focus on improving standards for pupils.”

Key to every school is its governing body and parent/carer community. The report noted that Harrow Way governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders and parents are positive about the school.”

For further information on Harrow Way Community School, please call 01264 364533 or visit Visits to the school by appointment are always welcome.