Test Valley Borough Council’s environmental service recently teamed-up with staff from Asda to pick litter along the River Anton in Andover town centre.
Environmental portfolio holder, Councillor Graham Stallard, said: “I would like to thank Yvonne Nicholson at Asda for co-ordinating this event and for providing a group of such hard working volunteers. The event was a huge success as the team collected 16 sacks of litter in just two hours!”
“The environmental service would be pleased to support other local groups and businesses that would like to arrange a community clean up in Test Valley, so please do get in touch.”
“However, as great as these events are, we would ask people to avoid dropping litter in the first place to ensure our towns remain clean and free of rubbish.”
If you would like to arrange a community clean-up or wish to report a local environmental issue, please visit www.testvalley.gov.uk/love.
Environmental issues can also be reported by text message. To do this text ‘love’ to 60060 followed by what you have seen and where you have seen it. Messages are charged at your usual network rate.