Education News

Well done to GCSE students in face of COVID-19

Hampshire County Council has welcomed the announcement that this year’s GCSEs will be largely based upon teacher assessment and that plans to override this using a mathematical algorithm have been scrapped

Councillor Roz Chadd, Executive Member for Education and Skills said, “With schools finishing so suddenly this year and exams not taking place, it’s been an uncertain and worrying time for many 16 year-olds and their families. I’d really like to congratulate them on how well they have done in the face of the coronavirus adversity.

“This year, perhaps more than any year in the past, GCSE grades have been based on the consistent hard work of pupils over time and the support that they have received from their parents. In the absence of pupils taking examinations, teachers are best placed to use their professional judgement to ensure young people are awarded grades that most accurately represent their achievements.”

Councillor Chadd, added: “I have been really impressed with how schools and young people have coped and gone above and beyond to maintain such high standards. A huge ‘well done’ to pupils, parents and teachers alike. And, I’m extremely pleased that, generally, colleges have said they will honour places that they offered to this group of 16 year-olds prior to lockdown.”

Any young person who needs help or advice about their next options, having received their results, can speak to their school’s Careers Advisor or contact Hampshire Futures – the County Council’s careers advice service for young people –email:”

On results day (20 August) and on Friday 21 August, Hampshire Futures will also be operating a phone line, between 9am and 5pm, that young people can call for advice: 07784 264 699.  There is also an extensive range of careers information available online via the County Council’s ‘Your Future’ website.
Students who may be feeling uncertain, anxious or stressed about the future as they move on to college, employment or training can also seek support from Young Minds who will help to encourage them to look after their mental health and identify when to ask for help.