Dirty dishes in the sink,
Wish they would disappear in a blink,
Washing is piled up oh so high,
It could easily reach the sky,
Ironing is just the same.
The dog has chewed my husbands slipper,
And the cat has stolen his teatime kipper,
The mantle shelf is thick with dust,
Under the dining chair lies a half eaten crust.
Why is life such a terrible game?
There’s papers strewn all over the table,
I’ll tidy them when I feel able,
The children’s toys are littering the floor,
I really don’t think I can take any more,
The telephone is constantly ringing,
My little boy just won’t stop singing,
The rubbish bin is overflowing,.
My mountain of work just keeps on growing,
Today’s a bad day. I’m in a stress,
That’s why I am yelling,
(c) Elwyn Bull 2007.