Education News

Army School Surge lands in Harrow Way Community School

Behaviour, attitude and contribution were all rewarded recently at Harrow Way with a visit from the Army School Surge. Students from Years 9-11 who’d worked hard and demonstrated positive behaviour and learning attributes were rewarded with a day of team-building activities and experiences delivered by three teams of Army personnel.

Graeme Fluellen, Assistant Headteacher explains further: “Behaviour, attitude and contribution are the foundation for a successful educational outcome. If students can maintain a consistent approach to their studies, they will do well. To keep them motivated and encourage them to staying committed to their studies, we organised this reward day to demonstrate that the more you put in the more you will get out – it’s a valuable life lesson.”

Working with members of the Infantry engagement team students tried their hands at a practical patrol activity which saw them discovering hidden objects on the school field and using typical Army weaponry and equipment to examine them.

For those students considering an airborne career, the flight simulator was the perfect opportunity to see if they have the necessary skills and aptitudes to fly a helicopter. Some students successfully handled advanced manoeuvres whereas others’ strengths were on the ground.

Finally, the Army’s outreach team bought along their climbing wall which, at its highest point, is the same height as the school’s English block. Students were able to test their head for heights and challenge themselves physically and mentally as they tackled the wall.

Graeme Fluellen concludes: “Along with a fun day of activities, students attending the sessions also had the opportunity to discover more about the varied range of careers offered by the Army. So although a break from the studies with the reward day, we also ensured that the students had some valuable careers insight into life in the military.”

For further information on Harrow Way Community School, please call 01264 364533 or visit Visits to the school by appointment are always welcome.