The Government has announced the rules which will be in force over the Christmas festive period to allow families to meet up between the 23rd and 27th December.
- You can form an exclusive ‘Chrismas bubble’ with no more than three households.
- You can only be in one christmas bubble
- you cannot change your bubble
- you can travel between tiers and Uk nations for the purposes of meeting your chrismas bubble
- you can only meet your christams bubble in private homes or in your garden, places of worship, or puplic outdoor spaces
- you an continue to meet people who are not in your christmas bubble outside of your home according to the rules in the tier where your staying
- you cannot meet someone in a private dwelling who is not part of your household or christmas bubble
More details as follows:-
- Existing spport bubbles count as one household for these purposes
- children of seprated parents can count as part of each parents christmas bubbles (and move between them)
- care home residents over 65 years of age should not leave their homes to form a christmas bubble
- you should of course self isolate if you have any covid symptons and continue to take precautions including;-
- wash your hands frequently
- clean touch points regulary, ie door handles and surfaces
- If you are visiting someone for a short time you should: keep socially distanced from anybody you do not live with as much as possible, make sure you let as much fresh air in as you can by opening windows and doors
What do local people think of this ?
Not everyone has welcomed this news
Brain Pratt comments, “Why are they making things sooooo complicated? With tiers of restrictions in different areas. Which people have to go and find out by visiting their local website? But hang on because between x date and y date u can do things differently. I put money on the government bringing another lockdown back in 21 and then blaming the people for not following the rules!!!!”
Victoria Kennedy comments, “I’m struggling to understand why the goverment are so resistant to families, if they so wish, finishing for Christmas on 9th December. This would allow for an isolation period, meaning families with vulnerable people can form bubbles over the Christmas period without passing on the virus. Then by allowing an isolation period in January children can return to school in a safer manner. I feel incredibly sorry for education staff who are having to make the decision not to spend Christmas with their families just so they can spend that last week of term supervising kids colouring in Christmas cards and watching Christmas movies .”
Cllr Phil North has reminded people on his Facebook page, “Please remember that you don’t have to form a Christmas bubble. Covid isn’t taking time off and the more people you see, the more likely it is that you will catch or spread coronavirus. It really is down to personal choice.”