Education News Local News

Harrow Way welcomes Lieutenant-General Sir Freddie Viggers

Lieutenant-General Freddie Viggers, recently visited Harrow Way to thank the school’s teaching team and staff for all the work done supporting students and parents through the ongoing pandemic. 

The Lieutenant-General visited the school on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire who was keen to show their appreciation and gratitude for the extra effort and commitment made by so many. 

Commenting on his trip to Harrow Way Sir Freddie said: “You and everyone who works at the school – teachers, administrative and support staff – have done your utmost to give students the opportunity to continue their education during the last difficult 18 months. I am sure that students and families appreciate your determination to provide these young people with as normal an adolescence as possible in testing circumstances; your commitment to them is exception.” 

During the numerous nationwide lockdowns Harrow Way delivered the school curriculum through remote learning ensuring all students could continue their learning. 

Commenting on the challenge Headteacher Michael Serridge said: “Our priority was to ensure that no student’s education was compromised by the restrictions imposed during the lockdowns. Our team of teachers and support staff were incredible in completely adapting the way we delivered lessons. Moving on to a new academic year it is wonderful to have a full school and see students enjoying the complete Harrow Way education experience. As much as we mastered remote learning, nothing beats a busy, lively school.” 

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