Scaffolding can cause major disruption to business trade in particular the hospitality trade. On Sunday Coffee 78’s landlord had scaffolding erected on Sunday to carry out some work.
The scaffolding prevented the business from having outside seating where the business can seat up to 10 people. This in turn would have a negative effect on trade for the popular independent business. The sun has been shining recently and would have provided the business a great trade.
This is no fault of the scaffolding company, Vander Plank & Taylor Scaffolding LTD who are a local business try to help the businesses as much as they can, last year in Christmas Mooch were unfortunate to have scaffolding erected and Van Der Plank made sure they were quick and also allowed the team Mooch team to decorate the scaffolding as they recognised it wasn’t convenient and assisting with the removal too.
Step in Councillor Iris Anderson, a keep supporter of all the businesses in town, who made it her mission to swiftly resolve an alternative for the business. She immediately went to Test Valley Borough Councils leader, Cllr Phil North, to seek a solution. Working with councillor North they quickly worked with the officers to grant a free license to re-instate their seating on the opposite side the footway, adjacent to the Upper High Street entrance to the Chantry Centre.
The license was rapidly granted by Test Valley Borough Council allowing the business to have seating for their customer’s.
Iris Anderson says “I love to support every business and I saw the scaffolding and then could see the damage it would do to the business. So I saw an opportunity across the way and asked if it was possible to be used. So went to Phil North and took the proposal to the top and thankfully it was all agreed.
Iris also added that if other businesses suffer from scaffolding then she wants you to get in touch with her “I have the greatness sympathy for businesses that have scaffolding around and if there is anyway I can help please get in contact with me, please go to TVBC website to get my contact details“.