Over the last fortnight Andover Police have received reports from multiple residents in Andover that they have had their vehicles broken into and work tools stolen from the vehicle.
Further to the 2 HantsAlert messages that were sent out in the previous weeks warning about a spate of tool-related thefts, Andover Police would like to ask everyone reading this to pass on the following advice to any family and friends who maybe work in the building trade and who sometimes leave their tools in their vehicles overnight.
Andover Police said “This message is not intended to scare, but simply to warn residents that leaving any expensive work tools in your vehicle overnight makes a very tempting target for thieves. Please remove anything from your vehicles that you need for work, and store in a safer place.”
If you do see anyone acting suspiciously around any parked vehicles and you believe they may be in the process of committing a crime please call Police immediately on 999 and pass on as much information you can to the call handler.