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Spiritual Corner With Marie Ponting

We have the pleasure of introducing you to Marie Ponting, a writer for our spiritual corner. Marie is a deeply insightful and intuitive individual who has dedicated herself to helping others along their spiritual journeys.

Her passion for spiritual growth and her profound knowledge of various spiritual practices and teachings have led her to conduct workshops and events that inspire and empower individuals seeking to connect with their inner selves.

Through her work, Marie aims to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their spiritual paths, connect with others, and ultimately find greater meaning and purpose in their lives. So, without further ado, let’s hear from Marie herself!

Tis April,

We are now passed Ostara /Spring Equinox, I held a beautiful fire ceremony to celebrate the date. We themed the ceremony to our inner child, I have to say it was emotional and heartwarming, a circle of women being together, the energy was powerful!! Afterwards we created potions, like when we were children, so much fun, my inner child definitely came out to play.

I attended a crystal ball and tea leaf reading workshop this month also, this was so fascinating, I have never worked with either of these things before however I shall be incorporating these into my practice from now on. Beautiful witchcraft from ancestors, I really felt this was important, receiving this knowledge from healers that have gone before. There were a group of 5 of us plus our facilitator, again a really powerful day with beautiful souls, so much learning, I slept so very well after!

Many people are celebrating Easter this weekend as part of the Christian calendar, I chose to give my children brightly coloured chocolate eggs as part of my Ostara celebrations, as it was Goddess Ostara the Germanic Goddess of spring who turned birds to hares, the hares in return laid colourful eggs for her spring festivities. As I have said previously, I no longer wish to move around the Christian calendar, the pagan wheel feels much more aligned to my soul.

I’ve really started to enjoy the brighter mornings too, I find it is the best way to start my day, to communicate with my guides and spirit world whilst it feels the surroundings are still sleepy, I ask for guidance in the quiet as the sun rises and the birds are chirping their melodic chorus. I’ve noticed the buds starting to form on the trees, my Jacobs ladder has started shooting in my garden also and I patiently wait for my new flowers I have planted to start growing. We were planting a variety chosen by my daughter, we did it together, it was a wonderful bonding activity for both of us. I have learned it’s important to hold these moments preciously as the teenage years are upon us, moments like these need to be made time for. She also found it very grounding, putting her hands through the dirt, and of course she found it a too good of an opportunity to miss when she could throw a bit of dirt my way.

As I watch my children grow, I feel the connection becoming stronger in many ways, it makes me think of the saying ‘you need to water your garden if you wish for it to grow’, the same can be said for relationships in life. The relationships that are not nourished, rarely grow in the same way as the ones that are nourished – very thought provoking! You can find me on Facebook if you would like to know more about this, I’m always happy to chat spirit, search Self discovery with Astara.


Fire ceremonies, 1-1 meditation, crystal healing, soul healing and channelling. Contact: Marie 07825 654230 or

Drumming workshops. Contact: Sandra 07834 208550 Tarot Courses, Retreats, readings.

Sisters sharing space, moon gatherings, chakra and colour therapy Email: