Names go flying around in my head,
As I lie trying to sleep in my bed,
I see pictures of the I.G.I,
And wonder when did Ethel die?
I really wish I knew when Jane was born,
As I wake up this Monday morn.
Then so much easier would be my life,
If I knew when William had taken Emily for his wife.
And where do Mary and Charles fit in?
Was he fat? Or was she thin?
Was she a Redman? Of them there are lots,
Or maybe a Roe? Of course she could be a Watts.
Then I find the family on the census,
That really is a great big bonus.
My family watch me with a feeling of unease,
They think I have caught some terrible disease.
As they come and give me a hug,
I tell them yes, I’ve got the,
(C)Elwyn Bull 2005.