Local News

The Midnight Rose

Local woman, Sarah Jarvis has finally released her novel. Sarah, who lives in Andover with her father works as a carer at Andover Nursing Home but in her spare time she has been busy writing for her new release.

Sarah told Andover Radio 95.5fm I started writing when I was in junior school I wrote countless books of stories as a means of escape. It gave me peace and control of things that a child could never hope to control.”

Sarah’s newly published book ‘The Midnight Rose’ “was a challenge to myself that I could do something bold I had never dared to do before but the more I wrote of the book the more it meant to me.”

The Midnight Rose can be found on amazon and can be ordered through Waterstones or through AuthorHouse

It was definitely a challenge I could tell you that but I had to finish it. It kept my focused during lockdown and I loved it., which is my publisher. It took a long time to complete this challenge but it is definitely something that I would do again.”