Community FamilyLife Local News

Just One Kind Word – Anti Bullying Week

Today is the start of Anti-Bullying Week and the theme this year is One Kind Word.Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.

Local Town Cllr Stuart Waue has publicly shared his hopes that ALL schools in the area will be supporting this initiative. Cllr Stuart Waue posted, “I would also like to see parents get involved too. Take the time this week to talk to your son’s and daughters about bullying.Have they been suffering in silence? If so, contact the school to tell them what’s been happening – I recommend doing so by email as it creates a record which you may need later on.Do they regularly witness others being bullied? Ask them if there’s any way they could help. They don’t need to get in the middle of it. Sometimes all it takes is to make sure the victim doesn’t feel alone. It is often the lonely, or those that are just a little bit different that are singled out by bullies for their unwanted attention.You may even suspect that your son or daughter is a bully. If so, please try to get them to see things from their victims’ perspective and get them to stop their bullying activities.It’s a sad truth that bullying still happens – in schools, workplaces and even out in public.We ALL have a part to play in stopping it.

The Anti Bullying alliance have worked with Kidscape and SafeToNet to develop a tool for parent and carers to help them support their children and bring Anti-Bullying Week to life this year. You can download the pack here