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Anti Bullying week

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying.

Anti-Bullying Week will happen from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and will start with Odd Socks Day to mark the first day of Anti-Bullying Week.

Local schools in Andover will be taking part in a week long of anti bullying activities, your child’s school would of sent you out information telling you of their plans

Bullying has a long-lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. But by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together. From parents and carers to teachers and politicians, to children and young people, we all have a part to play in coming together to make a difference.


Monday 16th November

Join thousands of schools and workplaces and don your odd socks for Odd Socks Day. Help celebrate what makes us all unique to mark the start of AntiBullying Week.

Tuesday 17th November

To show we are all united against bullying. You can download your puzzle piece pledge , here, so you can fill in your anti-bullying pledge. It might be you share your anti-bullying work, that you will look out for people who might be being bullied or how you are going to work together to address bullying.

Wednesday 18th November

Parents and carers are invited to live stream a video on Facebook, with a live conversation from SafeToNet and Kidscape, about all things anti-bullying in 2020. Click here to join in.

Thursday 19th November

Celebrate what a good friend is using the hashtag #agoodfriendis

Friday 20th November

Your last chance to share your antibullying pledges using the puzzle piece pledge.
As it’s the last day of Anti-Bullying Week, make sure you have a think about how we can raise the issue of bullying and tackle it throughout the rest of the year.