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Atticus’ Adventure at Finkley Down Farm in Andover

Each year something new is added to Finkley Down Farm for our children to enjoy.

This year a wooden new play area – Atticus’ Adventure has been built.

The structure has been built and designed by GreenSpan Projects Ltd.

We spoke to Charlie Waters, at Finkley Down Farm who told us;

Working together with local company Greenspan was a pleasure over the last few months. The objective was to produce an exciting a challenging play area that could be used by young and old children. We also wanted something unique that would also blend in with the character of Finkley Down Farm. I am delighted with the result. The new structure is now open and looks amazing and certainly adds to an already fun filled family day out we like to think we offer at Finkley. Farmer Charlie

Whilst the project was being built at the farm staff were searching for a name to call the new play area and were coming up with nothing then they received an email, from Jane McCulloch.

My mum Jane McCulloch , contacted Finkley after Atticus passed away to see if we could arrange a memorial. We had in mind a bench, or sponsoring an animal. Atticus loved “the farm” (as he called it) and went regularly since he was a baby. Just a few days before he passed away he asked me if he could go to the farm, drive the landrovers and have sausage and chips. It was such a special place to him. Anyway, Charlie responded immediately and said they were struggling to think of a name for the new outdoor play area and “Atticus’ Adventure” was perfect. Of course we were all completely overwhelmed by the gesture. It is so much more than we could have ever expected, but it is such a wonderful tribute to a little boy who loved everything about Finkley. It is heartbreaking to think that Atticus will never get to enjoy the new play area but it gives us such comfort that so many other children can make happy memories in his name. Emily Feduchin-Pate



Finkley Down Farm is open 7 days a week, all year round from 10am till 6pm, with last entry to the farm being at 5pm. Visit their website for more details on what they have to offer to,