I am the fly in your ointment
the dis in your disappointment
the tick that burrows in under your skin
the joke that wears thin
the last laugh you didn’t have
a luke warm bath.
The dirt under your finger nails
the wind that rips your sails
the mirror you broke
the fumes with which you choke.
A split in your tea bag
an annoying over talking wag
a cock crowing at dawn when you wanted to sleep in
the game you came close to winning but always lose
the itchy scab the black eye bruise.
The person you love to hate
the train that arrive too late
the buses that come in threes
the girl that is too hard to please.
A finger on the lens of the camera taking the photo
a beautiful woman who is a bit loco!
I am all these things and more
so prey that I never knock on your door!
By Dan Hooks AKA Alienpoet